]> Achievement Stats » Steam games » Count to Ten

Count to Ten

Count to Ten - Supporter Edition

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100 achievements trị giá 0,00 điểm
Achievement Miêu tả Thông tin đã thu thập Điểm số Báo cáo
I Counted to 10 I Counted to 10 Everybody should get this one. 2024/05/12 22:43:29 0,00
I Counted to 20 I Counted to 20 Still pretty easy. 2024/05/12 22:43:29 0,00
I Counted to 30 I Counted to 30 Starting to get challenging now? 2024/05/12 22:43:29 0,00
I Counted to 40 I Counted to 40 Some say that life starts here. 2024/05/12 22:43:29 0,00
I Counted to 50 I Counted to 50 The atomic number of tin. Well done. 2024/05/12 22:43:30 0,00
I Counted to 60 I Counted to 60 The number of equivalent edges on an icosidodecahedron. Impressive. 2024/05/12 22:43:30 0,00
I Counted to 70 I Counted to 70 The smallest "weird number". Good work. 2024/05/12 22:43:30 0,00
I Counted to 80 I Counted to 80 You can travel the world in this many days. 2024/05/12 22:43:30 0,00
I Counted to 90 I Counted to 90 Degrees in a right angle. Can you make it to 180? 2024/05/12 22:43:30 0,00
I Counted to 100 I Counted to 100 A Hundred was a historical county division. It's also a very impressive score. 2024/05/12 22:43:31 0,00
I Counted to 110 I Counted to 110 Congratulations! You've unlocked a new achievement color! 2024/05/12 22:43:31 0,00
I Counted to 120 I Counted to 120 Historically known as long hundred or great hundred. 2024/05/12 22:43:31 0,00
I Counted to 130 I Counted to 130 CXXX in numerals which you're probably seeing a lot of. 2024/05/12 22:43:31 0,00
I Counted to 140 I Counted to 140 The original character limit of a certain website. 2024/05/12 22:43:31 0,00
I Counted to 150 I Counted to 150 Some say this is the limit on how many stable social relations a human can maintain. 2024/05/12 22:43:32 0,00
I Counted to 160 I Counted to 160 The number of characters permitted in a standard SMS. 2024/05/12 22:43:32 0,00
I Counted to 170 I Counted to 170 Not many number facts for this one but great work on getting so far! 2024/05/12 22:43:32 0,00
I Counted to 180 I Counted to 180 180! Great score in darts, and an truly amazing score in Count to Ten. 2024/05/12 22:43:32 0,00
I Counted to 190 I Counted to 190 In this year, Cleomedes taught that the moon reflects sunlight. 2024/05/12 22:43:33 0,00
I Counted to 200 I Counted to 200 HTTP Status OK! This score is pretty okay too. 2024/05/12 22:43:33 0,00
I Counted to 210 I Counted to 210 Another color achieved! Can you get them all? 2024/05/12 22:43:33 0,00
I Counted to 220 I Counted to 220 A great frost in Britain occurs in this year lasting five months. 2024/05/12 22:43:33 0,00
I Counted to 230 I Counted to 230 There are this many unique space groups for crystal symmetries. 2024/05/12 22:43:34 0,00
I Counted to 240 I Counted to 240 The number of distinct solutions to the Soma cube. 2024/05/12 22:43:34 0,00
I Counted to 250 I Counted to 250 Extremely impressive score! One quarter of the way towards 1000. Can you make it? 2024/05/12 22:43:34 0,00
I Counted to 260 I Counted to 260 Tzolkin, the saced Mayan calendar, has this many days 2024/05/12 22:43:34 0,00
I Counted to 270 I Counted to 270 Fun fact: this 3 cubed multiplied by 10 2024/05/12 22:43:34 0,00
I Counted to 280 I Counted to 280 The smallest octagonal number that is half of another octagonal number. 2024/05/12 22:43:35 0,00
I Counted to 290 I Counted to 290 This is an untouchable number but is it an untouchable score? 2024/05/12 22:43:35 0,00
I Counted to 300 I Counted to 300 Approximate date of the magnetic compass' invention. 2024/05/12 22:43:35 0,00
I Counted to 310 I Counted to 310 Another new color achieved! Keep climbing higher. 2024/05/12 22:43:35 0,00
I Counted to 320 I Counted to 320 In 320BC, Theophrastus began the systematic study of botany. 2024/05/12 22:43:35 0,00
I Counted to 330 I Counted to 330 Alexander the Great did quite a lot in this year BC. 2024/05/12 22:43:36 0,00
I Counted to 340 I Counted to 340 Sum of the first four powers of 4. Cool. 2024/05/12 22:43:36 0,00
I Counted to 350 I Counted to 350 Hypatia of Alexandria may have been born in the year 350. 2024/05/12 22:43:36 0,00
I Counted to 360 I Counted to 360 The degrees of a circle which incidentally is one of the main shapes in Count to Ten. 2024/05/12 22:43:36 0,00
I Counted to 370 I Counted to 370 Marcus Valerius Corvus was born in this year BC. 2024/05/12 22:43:36 0,00
I Counted to 380 I Counted to 380 380 is a pronic number. 2024/05/12 22:43:37 0,00
I Counted to 390 I Counted to 390 6 and a half minutes in seconds. It probably took a lot longer to get here. 2024/05/12 22:43:37 0,00
I Counted to 400 I Counted to 400 The Sun is approximately 400 times bigger than the Moon but 400 times further away from Earth. Neat huh? 2024/05/12 22:43:37 0,00
I Counted to 410 I Counted to 410 You've achieved another color change and a truly fantastic score. 2024/05/12 22:43:37 0,00
I Counted to 420 I Counted to 420 The sum of the first twenty positive even numbers. What? Were you expecting something else here? 2024/05/12 22:43:38 0,00
I Counted to 430 I Counted to 430 This is the number of primes below 3000. There's a lot of numbers. 2024/05/12 22:43:38 0,00
I Counted to 440 I Counted to 440 440hz is a common standard for the A4 musical note. 2024/05/12 22:43:38 0,00
I Counted to 450 I Counted to 450 If you score any higher than this, your paper might autoignite. 2024/05/12 22:43:39 0,00
I Counted to 460 I Counted to 460 The sum of twelve consecutive primes! Almost as impressive as this score. 2024/05/12 22:43:39 0,00
I Counted to 470 I Counted to 470 The minimum number of yards from the tee to hole on par 5. 2024/05/12 22:43:39 0,00
I Counted to 480 I Counted to 480 8 minutes in seconds. 8 hours in minutes if you prefer. 2024/05/12 22:43:39 0,00
I Counted to 490 I Counted to 490 The best fact I have for this number is that achieving this is extremely impressive. 2024/05/12 22:43:39 0,00
I Counted to 500 I Counted to 500 Half way to 1000, your 50th achievement, and it truly is an achievement. 2024/05/12 22:43:40 0,00
I Counted to 510 I Counted to 510 Another new color unlocked, you're into the deeper colors now! 2024/05/12 22:43:40 0,00
I Counted to 520 I Counted to 520 This is a palindromic number in base 14. 2024/05/12 22:43:40 0,00
I Counted to 530 I Counted to 530 The sum of the first three perfect numbers. 2024/05/12 22:43:41 0,00
I Counted to 540 I Counted to 540 There are this many doors to Valhalla and floors in Thor's Hall 2024/05/12 22:43:41 0,00
I Counted to 550 I Counted to 550 The mailbox is unavailable, but is this score? 2024/05/12 22:43:41 0,00
I Counted to 560 I Counted to 560 This is a refactorable number. 2024/05/12 22:43:41 0,00
I Counted to 570 I Counted to 570 This is a triangular matchstick number. 2024/05/12 22:43:41 0,00
I Counted to 580 I Counted to 580 A palindromic number in base 12 and 17! 2024/05/12 22:43:42 0,00
I Counted to 590 I Counted to 590 Did you know it's very difficult coming up with these descriptions? Well done on the score! 2024/05/12 22:43:42 0,00
I Counted to 600 I Counted to 600 In this year, the first reference to chess is made in Persia. 2024/05/12 22:43:42 0,00
I Counted to 610 I Counted to 610 In this year, paper was first imported into Japan from China. Perfect for the new blue you just got! 2024/05/12 22:43:43 0,00
I Counted to 620 I Counted to 620 In this year the town of Cholula was founded in central Mexico. 2024/05/12 22:43:43 0,00
I Counted to 630 I Counted to 630 Oh how far you have come... 2024/05/12 22:43:43 0,00
I Counted to 640 I Counted to 640 The number of acres in a square mile. 2024/05/12 22:43:43 0,00
I Counted to 650 I Counted to 650 A very admirable number. 2024/05/12 22:43:44 0,00
I Counted to 660 I Counted to 660 On this year BC, the first known use of the Demotic script occurs. 2024/05/12 22:43:44 0,00
I Counted to 670 I Counted to 670 You continue to impress... 2024/05/12 22:43:44 0,00
I Counted to 680 I Counted to 680 Truly impressive to reach such heights! 2024/05/12 22:43:44 0,00
I Counted to 690 I Counted to 690 ISO 690 is the standard for bibliographic references. 2024/05/12 22:43:44 0,00
I Counted to 700 I Counted to 700 This is the perimeter of a Pythagorean triangle. 2024/05/12 22:43:45 0,00
I Counted to 710 I Counted to 710 Another new color unlocked! You're getting very good at this! 2024/05/12 22:43:45 0,00
I Counted to 720 I Counted to 720 A common display resolution. 2024/05/12 22:43:45 0,00
I Counted to 730 I Counted to 730 King Offa of Mercia was born in this year. 2024/05/12 22:43:45 0,00
I Counted to 740 I Counted to 740 This is the number of connected squarefree graphs on 9 nodes. 2024/05/12 22:43:45 0,00
I Counted to 750 I Counted to 750 This is an enneagonal number. 2024/05/12 22:43:46 0,00
I Counted to 760 I Counted to 760 This is the number of fixed heptominoes. 2024/05/12 22:43:46 0,00
I Counted to 770 I Counted to 770 A very powerful score. 38 score + 10 to be precise. 2024/05/12 22:43:46 0,00
I Counted to 780 I Counted to 780 This is the sum of four consecutive primes in a quadruplet. 2024/05/12 22:43:46 0,00
I Counted to 790 I Counted to 790 This is an aspiring number, and this is certainly an aspiring high score! 2024/05/12 22:43:46 0,00
I Counted to 800 I Counted to 800 This is the approximate date that the first settlers arrived on the Hawaiian Islands. 2024/05/12 22:43:47 0,00
I Counted to 810 I Counted to 810 New achievement color achieved. Did you ever think you'd get this high? 2024/05/12 22:43:47 0,00
I Counted to 820 I Counted to 820 This is a happy number, are you happy you reached this score? 2024/05/12 22:43:47 0,00
I Counted to 830 I Counted to 830 This is the totient sum for first 52 integers. 2024/05/12 22:43:47 0,00
I Counted to 840 I Counted to 840 Lots of fun properties for this one but best yet, 840 is an evil number! 2024/05/12 22:43:48 0,00
I Counted to 850 I Counted to 850 This is the country calling code for North Korea. 2024/05/12 22:43:48 0,00
I Counted to 860 I Counted to 860 Lots of Viking raids in this year. 2024/05/12 22:43:48 0,00
I Counted to 870 I Counted to 870 Just like 860... Yep, lots of Viking raids in this year. Good score though. 2024/05/12 22:43:48 0,00
I Counted to 880 I Counted to 880 The frequency of A5. 2024/05/12 22:43:48 0,00
I Counted to 890 I Counted to 890 A Norse seafarer narrated the story of his travels to Alfred the Great in this year. 2024/05/12 22:43:49 0,00
I Counted to 900 I Counted to 900 In this year, Constantine II became King of Scotland. 2024/05/12 22:43:49 0,00
I Counted to 910 I Counted to 910 You've made it to the final color unlock! (for now?) 2024/05/12 22:43:50 0,00
I Counted to 920 I Counted to 920 CMXX in Roman Numerals, pretty easy to remember really. 2024/05/12 22:43:50 0,00
I Counted to 930 I Counted to 930 The year that the Althing is established in Iceland. 2024/05/12 22:43:50 0,00
I Counted to 940 I Counted to 940 The totient sum for first 55 integers. 2024/05/12 22:43:50 0,00
I Counted to 950 I Counted to 950 You're quite the completionist aren't you? 2024/05/12 22:43:50 0,00
I Counted to 960 I Counted to 960 Country calling code for the Maldives. 2024/05/12 22:43:51 0,00
I Counted to 970 I Counted to 970 A major volcano erupts in Japan in this year. 2024/05/12 22:43:51 0,00
I Counted to 980 I Counted to 980 You're so close to forcing me to make new achievements... 2024/05/12 22:43:51 0,00
I Counted to 990 I Counted to 990 Only 10 more until 4 digits... You can make it! 2024/05/12 22:43:51 0,00
I Counted to 1000!!! I Counted to 1000!!! Congratulations! This is the highest achievement at launch. It is truly amazing to have reached this point. 2024/05/12 22:43:51 0,00

DLC đã được cập nhật vào Tháng 8 29, 2024 at 02:45 AM.

Lần cập nhật tiếp theo vào Tháng 10 01, 2024 at 07:27 PM.

Achievement Stats 1.23-dev
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1065,78 KiB bộ nhớ đang được sử dụng
20 thu thập có sẵn

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