]> Achievement Stats » Statistics

Currently tracking

Database size

Background processes

20 running crawlers
Process Last run Duration Execution
Rankings 10/08/2024 22:34:41 02:48:44 No
Points 08/24/2024 20:14:28 32:17:33 No
Statistics 11/06/2024 15:57:05 00:57:18 Yes

Update queue

Containing 9237 entries
Entry Added Status Retries
Headshot Stage of Headshot 11/06/2024 16:06:12 being indexed 0
Headshot Stage of Headshot 11/06/2024 16:06:12 being indexed 0
Headshot Stage of Headshot 11/06/2024 16:06:14 being indexed 0
Вечно пьяный енот Stage of Вечно пьяный енот 11/06/2024 16:06:14 being indexed 0
wt.rx Stage of wt.rx 11/06/2024 16:06:14 being indexed 0
wt.rx Stage of wt.rx 11/06/2024 16:06:14 being indexed 0
wt.rx Stage of wt.rx 11/06/2024 16:06:14 being indexed 0
Вечно пьяный енот Stage of Вечно пьяный енот 11/06/2024 16:06:14 being indexed 0
wt.rx Stage of wt.rx 11/06/2024 16:06:14 being indexed 0
Вечно пьяный енот Stage of Вечно пьяный енот 11/06/2024 16:06:14 being indexed 0

Crawler error messages

Time Error message
11/06/2024 16:50:20 Steam reported invalid visibilityState for game CS:S of profile 76561197989717358.
11/06/2024 16:50:18 Steam returned zero achievements for game WarlockMasteroftheArcane.
11/06/2024 16:42:15 Steam returned zero achievements for game RPGMakerVXAce.
11/06/2024 16:35:01 Steam reported errors for achievements of MortalKombatKollection:
Requested app has no stats
11/06/2024 16:22:03 Steam reported errors for achievements of GalacticCivilizationsIIUltimateEdition:
Requested app has no stats
11/06/2024 16:22:00 Steam reported errors for achievements of Gorky17:
Requested app has no stats
11/06/2024 16:07:04 Steam reported errors for achievements of DearEsther:
Requested app has no stats
11/06/2024 16:06:58 Steam returned zero achievements for game CompanyOfHeroes.
11/06/2024 16:06:57 Steam reported errors for achievements of CommanderConquestoftheAmericasGold:
Requested app has no stats
11/06/2024 16:06:55 Steam reported errors for achievements of CitiesXLPlatinum:
Requested app has no stats

Next automatic updates

Entry Time
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 myClub DLCs of Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 myClub Now
Eat Colors DLCs of Eat Colors Now
spaneika Profile of spaneika Now
manu_faktur Profile of manu_faktur Now
FLENG Profile of FLENG Now
bbbbbbbbrie Profile of bbbbbbbbrie Now
无双上将慎通 Profile of 无双上将慎通 Now
Leo Chan Profile of Leo Chan Now
棋科院院士 Profile of 棋科院院士 10/22/2024 10:12:07
Sir Dantes de K. Profile of Sir Dantes de K. 10/22/2024 10:12:08

Achievement Stats 1.23-dev
Executed 4 queries
919.26 KiB memory usage
20 crawler available

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