]> Achievement Stats » About AchStats » History



Visits summary


Version history

Version Date Main changes Announcement
1.0 02/27/2012 22:09:14 First public release
1.1 03/11/2012 01:38:20 Automatic profile updates
1.2 04/14/2012 16:30:30 Single game updates, all unlocked achievements by Ajax, more statistics Version 1.2 released
1.3 04/18/2012 22:07:00 Unlocking history of profiles
1.4 05/05/2012 15:34:00 Lists of newest, hardest, easiest, reported achievements So good we skipped a number!
1.5 05/26/2012 22:55:12 News, country ranking, web API, completion progress of games, more translations Skyrocketing with version 1.5!
1.6 07/14/2012 20:37:48 Endless scroll, report cheaters, total playing times, newest unlocks Massive 1.6 with shortcut URL is here!
1.7 07/28/2012 14:51:36 Beta games, comparison of friends 1.7: Beta games and profile comparison!
1.8 09/02/2012 12:44:00 Performance, points calculation of DLCs 1.8 released
1.9 09/22/2012 15:13:34 Performance, external DLCs 1.9 is out!
1.10 11/04/2012 21:27:29 Search, extended statistics, country ranking with map, best achievements, recently modified games Huge 1.10 update is live!
1.11 01/06/2013 00:52:42 Performance, search, history, Piwik Epicness has arrived with 1.11!
1.12 03/06/2013 22:32:01 Badges, new reporting system, LimeSurvey 1.12 finalized
1.13 05/17/2013 23:27:46 Timeline, badges, XP 1.13 with game card badges out!
1.14 07/07/2013 17:48:57 Guides, newest unlocks of badges, visits summary 1.14 introducing Guides!
1.15 01/11/2014 16:35:12 Games having badges only, unlocking history of badges, completion rate, graylist 1.15 achieved
1.16 05/01/2014 17:56:56 Calendar, version history New stuff!
1.17 04/02/2016 22:35:43 Search for badges, RESTful API Search for badges!
1.18 02/18/2017 13:25:33 Deleted, unobtainable achievements, owners of games, cheater score, lazy image loading 5th anniversary
1.19 01/27/2018 16:17:26 Spam games, DLCs and deleted achievements of a single game Happy AchStats Day!
1.20 04/12/2020 22:01:01 GDPR, private game details and friends, more translations, age-restricted DLCs Happy Easter! New Version Out!
1.21 04/14/2021 20:37:00 Highlighting, upcoming achievements, untouched games, percentages Easter Update!
1.22 02/18/2023 15:28:07 Performance, date filter in histories Let's celebrate with New Version!

Site history


Counter-Strike: Source Beta game Game list Chrissyx's profile m u n k y's profile

As long as the old SteamStats was around, we had not a single reason to start a platform on our own. Layout of the site and rating of the achievements were just perfect, until it was replaced with the new SteamStats. There was now a mandatory login and we missed the usual design. The point values were too inflationary, just like the other alternative sites, too. For the first time ever the wish matured to do something on our own, but without the original algorithm our hands were tied. We noticed in the reddit board of the new SteamStats an algorithm coming pretty close to the old one – if not even matching it. Some tests confirmed this and the work could start in the middle of December 2011!

Version 0.1

Killing Floor game Game list Chrissyx's profile

The first steps were about the technical base, i.e. getting raw data from Steam, storing it in our database and displaying it. There was no design yet, not even pictures.

Version 0.2

Clear Firing achievement from Alien Swarm Duke Nukem Forever game Duke Nukem Forever's report options Game list with logos #1 Game list with logos #2 Game list with logos #3 Game list with logos #4 Game list with logos #5 Zet's profile with achievements #1 Zet's profile with achievements #2

Still moving on a very technical level the view for single achievements, the reporting system, game list with DLCs and profile view with achievements were added as well as the storing of images. In case of a Steam downtime, AchStats incl. all the images should continue to operate fully functional.

Version 0.5

Red Faction: Armageddon game

The design was created and the DLC integration was making progress. The point algorithm slowly bore fruit.

Version 0.6

Wake Up Call achievement from Portal 2 Friends ranking of Chrissyx Red Faction: Armageddon game Top player ranking of Red Faction: Armageddon Statistics

There were bigger additions, like manual language selection, more rankings or statistics, and smaller ones, like sorting within the browser or links to Steam.

Version 0.9

Game list with unfolded DLCs Overview Zet's profile

Being on the home stretch in February 2012 DLCs in the game list were unfoldable, the home page was finalized and the global player ranking was put into service.

Achievement Stats 1.23-dev
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