]> Achievement Stats » Steam games » Into the Sinkhole

Into the Sinkhole

0.7 average hours needed for completion.

7 achievements worth of 2.54 points
Achievement Description Crawled Points Report as
The exploration begins! The exploration begins! Player has started ‘Into the sinkhole’. 11/10/2022 22:50:42 0.37
I love strawberries! I love strawberries! Started the game in Strawberry mode. 11/10/2022 22:50:42 0.37
I love watermelon! I love watermelon! Started the game in Watermelon mode. 11/10/2022 22:50:42 0.70
Strawberries are delicious… Strawberries are delicious… Player has completed the game in Strawberry mode. 11/10/2022 22:50:42 0.70
Both sides of a watermelon are certainly different… Both sides of a watermelon are certainly different… Player has completed the game in Watermelon mode. 11/10/2022 22:50:43 0.00
Escape! Escape! Player has completed the game a second time. 11/10/2022 22:50:43 0.00
Higher and higher! Higher and higher! Player has stepped on the platforms 1000 times. 11/10/2022 22:50:43 0.40

DLCs were last updated on April 06, 2024 at 10:13 AM.

Next automatic update on July 18, 2024 at 04:58 PM.

Achievement Stats 1.23-dev
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874.55 KiB memory usage
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