]> Achievement Stats » Steam games » Blood Domination

Blood Domination

0.0 average hours needed for completion.

11 achievements worth of 0.00 points
Achievement Description Crawled Points Report as
Izayoi Sweet Ending Izayoi Sweet Ending Complete Izayoi x Uzuki's Sweet Route 07/09/2024 23:34:29 0.00
Izayoi Normal Ending Izayoi Normal Ending Complete Izayoi x Uzuki's Normal Route 07/09/2024 23:34:29 0.00
Takamine Sweet Ending Takamine Sweet Ending Complete Takamine x Chihaya's Sweet Route 07/09/2024 23:34:30 0.00
Takamine Normal Ending Takamine Normal Ending Complete Takamine x Chihaya's Normal Route 07/09/2024 23:34:30 0.00
Gingetsu Sweet Ending Gingetsu Sweet Ending Complete Gingetsu x Kasumi's Sweet Route 07/09/2024 23:34:30 0.00
Gingetsu Normal Ending Gingetsu Normal Ending Complete Gingetsu x Kasumi's Normal Route 07/09/2024 23:34:30 0.00
Narumi Sweet Ending Narumi Sweet Ending Complete Narumi x Mizuho's Sweet Route 07/09/2024 23:34:30 0.00
Narumi Normal Ending Narumi Normal Ending Complete Narumi x Mizuho's Normal Route 07/09/2024 23:34:31 0.00
Kazuha Sweet Ending Kazuha Sweet Ending Complete Kazuha x Yuugiri's Sweet Route 07/09/2024 23:34:32 0.00
Kazuha Normal Ending Kazuha Normal Ending Complete Kazuha x Yuugiri's Normal Route 07/09/2024 23:34:33 0.00
All Season 1 Stills! All Season 1 Stills! Unlock all of Blood Domination Season 1 07/09/2024 23:34:34 0.00

DLCs were last updated on August 29, 2024 at 05:29 AM.

Next automatic update on October 21, 2024 at 09:59 PM.

Achievement Stats 1.23-dev
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