]> Achievement Stats » Steam games » Bee Aware! 2.0

Bee Aware! 2.0

5.2 average hours needed for completion.

80 achievements worth of 108.97 points
Achievement Description Crawled Points Report as
SWIFT CATCHER SWIFT CATCHER BB: Wow! You're fast! (catch your first bag of biological pest control) 09/12/2018 08:37:31 1.59
PEEKABOO! PEEKABOO! Billy Joe Henry Bob: You've found me! (play a mini-minigame for the first time) 09/12/2018 08:37:31 1.59
TIC-TAC-TOE TIC-TAC-TOE Billy Joe Henry Bob: Boohoo... you beat me! (win a game of tic-tac-toe) 09/12/2018 08:37:32 1.59
CHO HAN CHO HAN Billy Joe Henry Bob: Aaargh... gimme a break! (win a game of cho han) 09/12/2018 08:37:32 1.59
YAP YAP YAP YAP YAP YAP BB: What?!? Did I not make sense? (endure all of BB's silly comments) 09/12/2018 08:37:33 1.59
REVENGE! REVENGE! Billy Joe Henry Bob: Hihihihi... got you! (endure first revenge from the bad, bad industrialists in Bee Aware) 09/12/2018 08:37:33 1.59
GREEN THUMB GREEN THUMB BB: Well done! I love vines! (get your first hive vine in Bee Aware) 09/12/2018 08:37:34 1.59
HAPPY VALENTINE HAPPY VALENTINE Beeatrice: Flowers! You shouldn't have... (get your first hive flower in Bee Aware) 09/12/2018 08:37:34 1.59
BEEZILLA BEEZILLA Billy Joe Henry Bob: Boohoo... you broke my toy! (destroy your first tower in Bee Aware) 09/12/2018 08:37:35 1.59
SHADES OF GREEN SHADES OF GREEN BB: Just a few more! (free three continents in Bee Aware) 09/12/2018 08:37:35 1.59
GREEN EARTH GREEN EARTH BB: Yeay! You did it! (free all continents in Bee Aware) 09/12/2018 08:37:36 1.59
GRAY SKIES GRAY SKIES BB: Nooo! Not again! (reset Bee Aware) 09/12/2018 08:37:37 1.59
FIRST BLOOD FIRST BLOOD Beeatrice: They drew first blood! (get killed in Bee vs Mites) 09/12/2018 08:37:37 1.29
VACUUM CLEANER VACUUM CLEANER Beeatrice: Suck 'm all! (absorb 15 mites in Bee vs Mites in one 'absorb effect flower' session) 09/12/2018 08:37:38 1.59
BOUNCER BOUNCER Beeatrice: Alive and kicking! (kick 15 mites in Bee vs Mites in one 'kick effect flower' session off the playfield) 09/12/2018 08:37:38 1.59
EASY PICKER EASY PICKER Robbee: Yeay! You're the best! (pick up 5 'special flowers' in a row, without breaking the chain, in Bee vs Mites) 09/12/2018 08:37:39 1.59
BEE STRETCHED LARVA BEE STRETCHED LARVA BB: Made the grade! (get 300 points on any level in Bee vs Mites) 09/12/2018 08:37:39 1.59
PUPA BEE PUPA BEE BB: You're becoming quite skillful! (get 500 points on any level in Bee vs Mites) 09/12/2018 08:37:40 1.59
ADULT BEE ADULT BEE Beeatrice: That was almost worth dying for! (get 700 points on any level in Bee vs Mites) 09/12/2018 08:37:40 1.59
BEE THE QUIZ BUSTER BEE THE QUIZ BUSTER BB: Learning all the time! (complete 'Bees' in Bee Smart) 09/12/2018 08:37:41 1.59
UNINVITED QUIZ BUSTER UNINVITED QUIZ BUSTER BB: Increased your knowledge! (complete 'Bees Revisited' in Bee Smart) 09/12/2018 08:37:41 1.59
GROUNDED QUIZ BUSTER GROUNDED QUIZ BUSTER BB: Ditch that encyclopedia! (complete 'Mother Earth' in Bee Smart) 09/12/2018 08:37:42 1.59
UNIVERSAL QUIZ BUSTER UNIVERSAL QUIZ BUSTER BB: No more need to google! (complete 'The Universe' in Bee Smart) 09/12/2018 08:37:42 1.59
SILLY QUIZ BUSTER SILLY QUIZ BUSTER BB: Ok, this one was useless... but fun, right? RIGHT? (complete 'Bee Aware - Silly Questions' in Bee Smart) 09/12/2018 08:37:43 1.59
SMART BEE SMART BEE BB: Well, you do know something about something... (answer 10 questions correctly in one quiz in Bee Smart) 09/12/2018 08:37:43 1.59
SMARTER BEE SMARTER BEE BB: I'm impressed! (answer 15 questions correctly in one quiz in Bee Smart) 09/12/2018 08:37:43 1.59
SMARTEST BEE SMARTEST BEE BB: Nerd! Ok, ok, I'm jealous, I admit... (answer 20 questions correctly in one quiz in Bee Smart) 09/12/2018 08:37:45 1.59
KILOBEE KILOBEE BB: Well, that wasn't hard, was it? (complete a game on easy in Bee Remembered) 09/12/2018 08:37:45 1.59
MEGABEE MEGABEE BB: That must have been some effort! (complete a game on normal in Bee Remembered) 09/12/2018 08:37:46 1.59
GIGABEE GIGABEE BB: You really tickled them neurons! (complete a game on hard in Bee Remembered) 09/12/2018 08:37:46 1.59
SENSORY BEE SENSORY BEE BB: Nicely done! (win 3 bags of biological pest control on easy in Bee Remembered) 09/12/2018 08:37:47 1.59
SHORT-TERM BEE SHORT-TERM BEE BB: Excellent! (win 3 bags of biological pest control on normal in Bee Remembered) 09/12/2018 08:37:47 1.59
LONG-TERM BEE LONG-TERM BEE BB: Extraordinary! (win 3 bags of biological pest control on hard in Bee Remembered) 09/12/2018 08:37:48 1.59
PRE-PUPA EXPLORER PRE-PUPA EXPLORER BB: Well... you survived (survive and complete a maze on easy in Bee Amazed) 09/12/2018 08:37:48 1.59
PUPA EXPLORER PUPA EXPLORER BB: Getting there... now try hard! (survive and complete a maze on normal in Bee Amazed) 09/12/2018 08:37:48 1.59
ADULT EXPLORER ADULT EXPLORER BB: Like a real Lara Croft! (survive and complete a maze on hard in Bee Amazed) 09/12/2018 08:37:49 1.59
MAZERUNNERIAN MAZERUNNERIAN Beeatrice: Thanks for keeping me (and the eggs) alive! (get all eggs on easy in Bee Amazed) 09/12/2018 08:37:49 1.59
LABYRINTHIAN LABYRINTHIAN Beeatrice: Amazing! (no pun intended) (get all eggs on normal in Bee Amazed) 09/12/2018 08:37:50 1.59
DAEDALUSIAN DAEDALUSIAN Beeatrice: You. Are. My. Hero! (get all eggs on hard in Bee Amazed) 09/12/2018 08:37:50 1.59
SENSORIAL BEE SENSORIAL BEE Beeatrice: I see dead people (BB: no, no, it's live enemies!) (use your bee instinct in Bee Amazed) 09/12/2018 08:37:51 1.29
PRE-PUPA DISSECTOLOGIST PRE-PUPA DISSECTOLOGIST BB: Alright... now try normal (complete a puzzle on easy in Bee Puzzled) 09/12/2018 08:37:51 1.59
PUPA DISSECTOLOGIST PUPA DISSECTOLOGIST BB: Up the ante. Do hard! (complete a puzzle on normal in Bee Puzzled) 09/12/2018 08:37:51 1.59
ADULT DISSECTOLOGIST ADULT DISSECTOLOGIST BB: Well, that was easy, wasn't it? (complete a puzzle on hard in Bee Puzzled) 09/12/2018 08:37:52 1.59
JIGSAW ADEPT JIGSAW ADEPT BB: That was some good puzzling! (win 3 bags of biological pest control on easy in Bee Puzzled) 09/12/2018 08:37:52 1.59
JIGSAW EXPERT JIGSAW EXPERT BB: Man, that was awesome! (win 3 bags of biological pest control on normal in Bee Puzzled) 09/12/2018 08:37:53 1.59
JIGSAW MASTER JIGSAW MASTER BB: I'm flabbergasted! (win 3 bags of biological pest control on hard in Bee Puzzled) 09/12/2018 08:37:53 1.59
WILLFUL LOSER WILLFUL LOSER BB: Nooo! There goes your hive! (lose and see your hive get destroyed in Bee't the Bear) 09/12/2018 08:37:54 1.59
MIRRORED APPRENTICE MIRRORED APPRENTICE BB: Magic mirror on the wall... (win 1 bag of biological pest control in Bee't the Bear) 09/12/2018 08:37:54 1.59
MIRRORED ADEPT MIRRORED ADEPT BB: ...I'm er... YOU'RE the fairest of them all! Yeah, you! (win 2 bags of biological pest control in Bee't the Bear) 09/12/2018 08:37:55 1.59
MIRRORED EXPERT MIRRORED EXPERT BB: Your patience and persistance are almost bee-like! (win 3 bags of biological pest control in Bee't the Bear) 09/12/2018 08:37:55 1.59
MASTER OF REFLECTIONS MASTER OF REFLECTIONS BB: The mirrors reflection doesn't fool you! (win 6 bags of biological pest control in Bee't the Bear) 09/12/2018 08:37:56 1.59
SCARED NECTARLESS SCARED NECTARLESS BB: Sheesh man, get over it! (make Billy Joe Henry Bob scream like a little girl in Bee Fast) 09/12/2018 08:37:56 1.59
BYE BYE BEE BYE BYE BEE Beeatrice: What?!? You want me to pay for those windows? Seriously? (get shot off the screen in Bee Fast) 09/12/2018 08:37:57 1.59
DANCING QUEEN DANCING QUEEN BB: You're getting the hang of it! (playout all three stages of Bee Fast, without getting shot in the last stage) 09/12/2018 08:37:57 1.59
KEEN OMMATIDIA 1 KEEN OMMATIDIA 1 BB: Step one completed! (find your first piece of honey in Bee Fast) 09/12/2018 08:37:57 1.59
KEEN OMMATIDIA 2 KEEN OMMATIDIA 2 BB: Now you know what to do! (drop your first piece of honey into the basket in Bee Fast) 09/12/2018 08:37:58 1.59
HONEY ADDICT 1 HONEY ADDICT 1 BB: Yummy, honey! (licks his lips) (get all honey in any stage on any difficulty in Bee Fast) 09/12/2018 08:37:58 1.59
HONEY ADDICT 2 HONEY ADDICT 2 BB: Yummy, more honey! (licks his lips and starts to drool a bit) (get all honey on easy in Bee Fast) 09/12/2018 08:37:59 1.59
HONEY ADDICT 3 HONEY ADDICT 3 BB: Yummy, even more honey! (licks his lips and starts to drool a bit more) (get all honey on normal in Bee Fast) 09/12/2018 08:37:59 1.59
LOST FOREVER LOST FOREVER BB: Aaaaaaah! (wild look in his eyes, foam on his lips and drooling uncontrollably) (get all honey on hard in Bee Fast) 09/12/2018 08:37:59 1.59
EWWWWWW EWWWWWW BB: That. Was. Grose. (smell Robbee's fart) 09/12/2018 08:38:00 1.59
MEGAMITE BASHER MEGAMITE BASHER Beeatrice: We bashed her good, didn't we! (beat MegaMite in Bee vs Mites on any difficulty) 09/12/2018 08:38:00 1.59
MEGAMITE MASTER MEGAMITE MASTER Beeatrice: Holy Moly! Not a scratch! (beat MegaMite in Bee vs Mites on any difficulty without losing any health) 09/12/2018 08:38:01 1.59
BYE BYE GHOST BYE BYE GHOST William Bob Henry Joe: Aaaargh! Almost had you! (avoid the ghost in Bee Amazed on any difficulty) 09/12/2018 08:38:01 1.59
EQUATION EQUALIZER EQUATION EQUALIZER William Bob Henry Joe: Excellent! No need for tutoring! (solve an equation in Bee Amazed on any difficulty) 09/12/2018 08:38:02 1.29
WHACK-A-BEE WHACK-A-BEE Billy Joe Henry Bob: Poor bee... not! (win a game of whack-a-bee) 03/18/2020 10:46:09 0.00
SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD BB: Wow! You completed the game twice! You're a true hero! (play out the game twice) 03/18/2020 10:46:09 0.00
BRAVEST OF THEM ALL! BRAVEST OF THEM ALL! BB: You are truly brave! (use reincarnation in Bee Brave) 03/18/2020 10:46:09 0.00
SHARPSHOOTER! SHARPSHOOTER! BB: He didn't see that coming! (shoot Billy Joe Henry Bob's rc plane) 03/18/2020 10:46:09 0.00
BOOOOM! BOOOOM! Beeatrice: Ouch! That hurt! (get hit by a bomb in Bee Fast) 03/18/2020 10:46:10 1.59
MAJOR LASER MAJOR LASER Beeatrice: Shoot 'm all! (shoot 10 mites in Bee vs Mites in one 'laser effect flower' session) 03/18/2020 10:46:10 1.59
KILLED THE BEAST KILLED THE BEAST BB: Well, that's one stinger less! (kill the hornet scout in Bee't the Bear) 03/18/2020 10:46:10 1.59
DODGED THE SWARM DODGED THE SWARM BB: Well done! There are no flies (well, hornets) on you! (avoid the hornet swarm in Bee't the Bear) 03/18/2020 10:46:11 1.59
FEROCIOUS FOREST BEATER FEROCIOUS FOREST BEATER BB: Well done! (complete the Ferocious Forest in Bee Brave) 03/18/2020 10:46:11 0.00
VILE VILLAGE BEATER VILE VILLAGE BEATER BB: Great! (complete the Vile Village in Bee Brave) 03/18/2020 10:46:11 0.00
WARPED WASTELAND BEATER WARPED WASTELAND BEATER BB: Super! (complete the Warped Wasteland in Bee Brave) 03/18/2020 10:46:12 0.00
GRUESOME GROTTO BEATER GRUESOME GROTTO BEATER BB: Amazing! (complete the Gruesome Grotto in Bee Brave) 03/18/2020 10:46:12 0.00
BEST HONEY EVER BEST HONEY EVER BB: More honey... always more! (get the Golden Honey Jar in Bee Brave) 03/18/2020 10:46:12 0.00
HATE 'M ALL HATE 'M ALL BB: All this honey, just for you... (complete Bee Brave as a misanthrope) 03/18/2020 10:46:13 0.00
LOVE 'M ALL LOVE 'M ALL BB: Sharing is caring! (complete Bee Brave as an altruist) 03/18/2020 10:46:13 0.00

DLCs were last updated on April 05, 2024 at 11:34 AM.

Next automatic update on May 21, 2024 at 09:19 AM.

Achievement Stats 1.22
Executed 5 queries
669.63 KiB memory usage
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