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Unlocking history of junkmail for Neon White RSS feed

38.3 hours playing time on record

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Game Achievement Points Unlocked
Bloody Knuckles Bloody Knuckles 0.37 06/21/2022 20:22:01
Deplete the Fists card
Divine Intervention Divine Intervention 0.99 06/21/2022 07:52:00
Defeat Green at the Third Temple before he reaches the final stage
Clockwork Clockwork 0.88 06/18/2022 00:39:45
Defeat Green at the Clocktower before he reaches the top floor
Not very effective... Not very effective... 0.31 06/17/2022 23:15:05
Use the Fists card
Cheese! Cheese! 0.59 06/17/2022 23:14:17
Unlock one last memory
Absolution Absolution 0.49 06/17/2022 23:13:07
Restore Heaven
Mission 12 Complete Mission 12 Complete 0.49 06/17/2022 23:10:29
Complete Mission 12
Book of Life Book of Life 0.59 06/17/2022 23:09:12
Write Green into the Book of Life
100% 100% 0.63 06/17/2022 23:07:58
Complete 100% of the game
Straight A's Straight A's 0.61 06/17/2022 23:07:58
Earn an Ace medal on every level
Hand of God Hand of God 0.49 06/17/2022 23:07:58
Defeat Green at the Hand of God
Mission 11 Complete Mission 11 Complete 0.48 06/17/2022 22:49:57
Complete Mission 11
Mikey Mikey 0.57 06/17/2022 22:48:49
Complete your relationship with Mikey
Whole again Whole again 0.57 06/17/2022 22:48:25
Unlock all of White's memories
Violet Violet 0.57 06/17/2022 22:47:22
Complete your relationship with Violet
Yellow Yellow 0.56 06/17/2022 22:45:59
Complete your relationship with Yellow
Red Red 0.57 06/17/2022 22:44:25
Complete your relationship with Red
Solitary Grace Solitary Grace 0.56 06/17/2022 22:43:56
Complete Red's Sidequests
Raz Raz 0.57 06/17/2022 22:42:55
Complete your relationship with Raz
Green Green 0.56 06/17/2022 22:40:41
Complete your relationship with Green
Gift Hunter Gift Hunter 0.59 06/17/2022 22:40:10
Collect all gifts
Surprise! Surprise! 0.48 06/17/2022 19:58:13
Use the Book of Life Card on a Mimic
Lousy Keychain Lousy Keychain 0.50 06/17/2022 09:49:12
Redeem every Heavenly Delight Ticket
Mission 10 Complete Mission 10 Complete 0.47 06/17/2022 09:45:53
Complete Mission 10
Third Temple Third Temple 0.47 06/17/2022 09:38:28
Defeat Green at the Third Temple
Rigged Game Rigged Game 0.55 06/17/2022 09:09:46
Complete Violet's Sidequests
Don't Think Don't Think 0.55 06/17/2022 09:05:24
Complete Yellow's Sidequests
Mission 9 Complete Mission 9 Complete 0.46 06/17/2022 08:56:38
Complete Mission 9
Mission 8 Complete Mission 8 Complete 0.43 06/17/2022 06:55:09
Complete Mission 8
Cannonball Cannonball 0.26 06/17/2022 06:19:29
Stomp off of the edge of a level
Souvenir Souvenir 0.47 06/17/2022 03:33:58
Find a Strange Coin
Mission 7 Complete Mission 7 Complete 0.39 06/17/2022 03:25:59
Complete Mission 7
Mimic Mimic 0.38 06/17/2022 02:03:58
Die from a Mimic's bullet
Mission 6 Complete Mission 6 Complete 0.36 06/17/2022 01:15:21
Complete Mission 6
Mikey's Pet Mikey's Pet 0.43 06/17/2022 00:37:43
Earn 50% of the total Ace medals
Gift Collector Gift Collector 0.43 06/17/2022 00:32:10
Collect 50% of the total gifts
Trippy Trippy 0.32 06/17/2022 00:20:19
Get killed by a Tripwire
Vault Vault 0.40 06/17/2022 00:09:02
Unlock one of Violet's memories
Sweet Dreams Sweet Dreams 0.40 06/17/2022 00:05:55
Unlock one of Red's memories
Mission 5 Complete Mission 5 Complete 0.31 06/16/2022 23:55:58
Complete Mission 5
Trinity Trinity 0.38 06/16/2022 22:36:26
Unlock one of Yellow's memories
Mission 4 Complete Mission 4 Complete 0.27 06/16/2022 22:34:51
Complete Mission 4
Clocktower Clocktower 0.27 06/16/2022 22:32:04
Defeat Green at the Clocktower
Idiot Idiot 0.41 06/16/2022 22:17:31
Discovered Idiot Island
Mission 3 Complete Mission 3 Complete 0.24 06/16/2022 22:00:59
Complete Mission 3
Vending Machine Vending Machine 0.25 06/16/2022 20:31:31
Collect ten cards from vending machines
Heavenly Delight Heavenly Delight 0.18 06/16/2022 20:22:53
Redeem a Heavenly Delight Ticket
Mission 2 Complete Mission 2 Complete 0.18 06/16/2022 20:07:53
Complete Mission 2
How thoughtful How thoughtful 0.17 06/16/2022 18:54:50
Give your first gift
Mission 1 Complete Mission 1 Complete 0.11 06/16/2022 18:48:15
Complete Mission 1
Parry Parry 0.17 06/16/2022 18:22:39
Kill an enemy by parrying a bullet at them using the Katana card
Ace Ace 0.11 06/16/2022 18:18:48
Earn your first Ace medal

Locked achievements

Game Achievement Points
Book of Death Book of Death 0.60
Write Green into the Book of Death
White's Heaven Rush Complete White's Heaven Rush Complete 1.04
Complete White's Heaven Rush
White's Hell Rush Complete White's Hell Rush Complete 1.47
Complete White's Hell Rush
Red's Heaven Rush Complete Red's Heaven Rush Complete 0.80
Complete Red's Heaven Rush
Red's Hell Rush Complete Red's Hell Rush Complete 0.92
Complete Red's Hell Rush
Violet's Heaven Rush Complete Violet's Heaven Rush Complete 0.86
Complete Violet's Heaven Rush
Violet's Hell Rush Complete Violet's Hell Rush Complete 0.97
Complete Violet's Hell Rush
Yellow's Heaven Rush Complete Yellow's Heaven Rush Complete 0.87
Complete Yellow's Heaven Rush
Yellow's Hell Rush Complete Yellow's Hell Rush Complete 1.00
Complete Yellow's Hell Rush
Mikey's Heaven Rush Complete Mikey's Heaven Rush Complete 1.10
Complete Mikey's Heaven Rush
Mikey's Hell Rush Complete Mikey's Hell Rush Complete 1.43
Complete Mikey's Hell Rush

Achievement Stats 1.23-dev
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