]> Achievement Stats » Profiles » 2326009979 » Unlocking history » Mirror: The Lost Shards

Unlocking history of 2326009979 for Mirror: The Lost Shards RSS feed

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Game Achievement Points Unlocked
Her and her? Her and her? 0.15 01/17/2022 10:02:19
Complete the 2nd ending
Pain of Madoka Pain of Madoka 0.28 01/17/2022 10:02:06
Pain of Madoka reached 1000
Man in Black Man in Black 0.31 01/17/2022 09:37:28
Beat Madoka in 25 rounds
Madoka's Panties Madoka's Panties 0.11 01/17/2022 09:35:50
Tastes like pepermint
Déjà vu Déjà vu 0.08 08/05/2021 15:24:56
Complete the 1st ending
Leah's panties Leah's panties 0.09 08/05/2021 15:20:36
Tastes like raspberry
Mafercca's Pleasure Mafercca's Pleasure 0.33 07/07/2021 10:23:45
Mafercca's pleasure reaches 1000
Daisies in the valley Daisies in the valley 0.12 07/07/2021 10:19:54
Finished the 1st Ending
Strongest Aven…Gym coach ever! Strongest Aven…Gym coach ever! 0.16 07/07/2021 06:23:10
Beat Leah within 25 rounds
Hill, the Slave Hill, the Slave 0.17 07/07/2021 06:16:19
Completion reaches 200%
By the name of the Holy Light! By the name of the Holy Light! 0.26 07/07/2021 06:04:15
Defeat Hill in 25 rounds
Hill's Panties Hill's Panties 0.14 07/07/2021 06:03:45
Tastes like raspberry
Mafercca, the Alchemist Mafercca, the Alchemist 0.14 07/07/2021 05:49:59
Completion reaches 200%
By the name of the Holy Light! By the name of the Holy Light! 0.21 07/07/2021 05:44:27
Defeat Mafercca in 25 rounds
Mafercca's Panties Mafercca's Panties 0.11 07/07/2021 05:27:13
Tastes like rosemary

Locked achievements

Game Achievement Points
Reload! Reload! 0.11
Complete the 2nd ending
Pleasure of Leah Pleasure of Leah 0.30
Pleasure of Leah reached 1000
Pain of Leah Pain of Leah 0.24
Pain of Leah reached 1000
Leah, the Succubus Leah, the Succubus 0.11
Reached 200% in Leah's storyline.
To be or not to be To be or not to be 0.11
Complete the 1st ending
Pleasure of Madoka Pleasure of Madoka 0.32
Pleasure of Madoka reached 1000
Madoka,the Homunculus Madoka,the Homunculus 0.13
Reached 200% in Madoka's storyline
Think of me Think of me 0.15
Finished The 2nd Ending
Mafercca's Pain Mafercca's Pain 0.30
Mafercca's pain reaches 1000
A New Life A New Life 0.16
Finished the 1st Ending
Shackle of Heart Shackle of Heart 0.17
Finished The 2nd Ending
Hill's Pleasure Hill's Pleasure 0.36
Hill's pleasure reaches 1000
Hill's Pain Hill's Pain 0.30
Hill's pain reaches 1000

Achievement Stats 1.23-dev
Executed 4 queries
949.43 KiB memory usage
20 crawler available

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